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28.50 Incl. 19% VAT

each pack contains 30 ampoules

Retinol+ is an advanced cosmetic product formulation that contains RETINOL 0.2 % as a main active ingredient that combats wrinkles, prevents and reverses damage to the skin that occurs as a result of natural ageing and photo damage.

RETINOL is the cosmetically active product you must use together with adequate sun protection. Actually, RETINOL has revolutionized cosmeceutical therapeutics and is considered as the GOLD STANDARD.



each pack contains 30 ampoules

Retinol+ is an advanced cosmetic product formulation that contains RETINOL 0.2 % as a main active ingredient that combats wrinkles, prevents and reverses damage to the skin that occurs as a result of natural ageing and photo damage.

RETINOL is the cosmetically active product you must use together with adequate sun protection. Actually, RETINOL has revolutionized cosmeceutical therapeutics and is considered as the GOLD STANDARD.

Retinol+ formulation belongs to a new generation of cosmetic products, called Cosmeceuticals, which are based on documented scientific, pharmacological and clinical evidence of safety and efficacy.

Retinol+ is available as single external use Monodose ® ampoules that protect the formulation from air and light oxidation maintaining its efficacy until the time of use.

Application Advice

Use Retinol+ every night around your eyes, on your face and on your neck.

Use Retinol+ usually when you are above 30 years old, during the time the first fine wrinkles appear- in order to,

  • Improve the appearance of fine skin lines, within 4 weeks
  • Improve the appearance of wrinkles within 12 weeks, reaching full effectiveness within 6 months. The reduction of the depth and length of wrinkles has been clinically proven.
  • Prevents and repairs damages to the skin due to ageing and photo damage.


Use Retinol+ initially, every other day and gradually increase frequency to every night.

Clean your skin thoroughly and gently apply Retinol+ as follows:

Step 1: Take the ampoule from the tip and turn forcibly until the upper part is completely detached.

Step 2: Press lightly the lower part of the ampoule that is in your hands,  so that its contents drop on your fingertips.

Step 3:Using your fingertips massage lightly applying the contents on your face, neck and on the area under your eyes, as in the picture.

A long term maintenance regimen with  Retinol+  is necessary  in order to sustain clinical improvements.


Retinol+ will provide your skin with extra benefits, such as:

  • Increased skin brightness
  • Skin uniform complexion
  • Strengthen the skin’s defence against solar radiation
  • Prevents the formation of wrinkles and premature ageing
  • Minimizes the appearance of pore size

Furthermore, Retinol+ will,

  • Increase the production of skin Collagen, effectively combating both natural skin ageing and photoaging and it will increase the skin’s firmness and elasticity.
  • Help acne-prone skin through its keratolytic activity and show visible results in a short period of time (2 months).

Active Ingredients

Retinol+ contains Retinol, which is the active form of Vitamin A (BIOACTIVE).  The molecular structure of this form of Vitamin A can penetrate the outer layers of the skin and reach the lower layers of the skin (Dermis), where COLLAGEN and ELASTIN reside.  Retinol+ increases the deposition of collagen, enhances the production of HYALURONIC ACID, increases the blood flow to the surface of the skin and as a result it slows down and reverses skin ageing.  It freezes time!

Retinol is a pharmacologically active molecule that increases collagen and elastin synthesis (Improves wrinkles), accelerates epidermal regeneration (Increased skin smoothness and decreased roughness) and decreases melanin content (Improvement of skin discoloration and dyschromia).

Retinol+ unique formulation incorporates other ingredients, such as the anti-oxidant DMM Chromanol that complement and substantiate the action of Retinol against free radicals that are responsible for wrinkles and photo ageing.  DMM Chromanol protects skin cells from oxidative stress preserving the structural integrity of skin’s proteins, including collagen and elastin.  It also prevents the skin from photoaging by protecting cellular DNA from oxidation.

Retinol+ is able to repair both naturally aged skin as well as photoaged skin.

Other ingredients included in Retinol+ are indicated on the packaging.