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Ageing and wrinkling of the skin results from biochemical changes which occur throughout the body and skin surface over the years.  The process is sped up by environmental factors such as sun exposure, general climatic conditions, pollution etc.

In addition, incorrect skin treatment can also contribute to the acceleration of wrinkling.

Laboratoires Dermagen offers an innovative approach to skin treatment not only to minimize premature ageing but also to improve your skin’s condition. 

For the time being, the usual cosmetic approach to skin treatment is based on the customer’s opinion and/or the salesperson, based on their subjective evaluation and experience. As a result, customers purchase cosmetic products based on subjective opinion and not according to the results of scientific diagnostic tools.



Furthermore, cosmetic products claim to improve skin conditions such as the moisture, elasticity, wrinkles, etc., without testing whether the product is really necessary and/or effective for the customer′s skin.

At Laboratoires Dermagen our approach to skin treatment is revolutionary.  We offer more than just a product – we offer modern scientific technology to skin analysis and personalized treatment.

We provide our clients with a unique consultation with the help of our exclusively integrated system for the most technologically advanced skin analysis. Our system offers an innovative fusion of our unique skin investigation software and research advancements in skin science to provide a leading skin counselling technique to the beauty industry.

Knowing your unique skin profile is the first step towards scientifically personalized and effective beauty regimens.

The LABDERMAGEN SKIN ANALYSIS SYSTEM consists of various state-of-the-art skin analysis systems. The first system is the LABDERMAGEN FACE IMAGER which analyzes fine lines and deep wrinkles by measuring their volume area and depth.

The reproducible facial images captured in this system provide the basis for consistent measurement of the skin’s features. Tracking changes in the diagnostic characteristics of your skin following product or treatment applications not only ensures well-designed therapies but it also demonstrates the efficacy of skin treatments through quantitative results.

The second system is the LABDERMAGEN SKINTESTER which measures the two most important skin parameters – moisture level and acidity (pH).

In less than 15 minutes, our specialists shall provide you with a thorough scientific analysis of the condition of your skin and personalized advice using completely painless and non-invasive procedures.

  • An assessment of your skin condition.
  • Your estimated Actual Skin Age (ASA) Vs your chronological skin age    (Individuals with ASA either 10 years greater or 10 years lower than their age are a common find).
  • Quantitative measurement of skin wrinkles (volume, area and depth).
  • Ageing simulation.
  • Simulate the ageing process to show clients 8-10 years older by noting the exact location and severity of a person’s unique wrinkle pattern.
  • Grading of skin relative to peer group –a comparison of your skin’s age with others at the same chronological age. This is achieved by using our expertise combined with international bibliography and the results of our in-house research and clinical studies.

Our state of the art scientific system for skin analysis together with our expertise is available free of charge to our clients and is highly recommended to everyone as from the age of  around 30 when the first expression lines appear up to the age of 70.

If you are interested in experiencing our revolutionary approach to skin therapy, you can simply send an enquiry (FREE SKIN ANALYSIS) and we shall contact you as soon as possible to arrange a complimentary appointment.